Standing in the post office on Wednesday to mail Younger Daughter's Christmas presents from us and I didn't even consider that she'd have them all opened probably within 30 seconds of receiving them. Hey! It isn't Christmas yet! Not that it is a surprise. This daughter is known for snooping! Just wait till next year!
I love the Christmas cards I receive from distant family members each year. I even miss some of the newsletters. I really love getting the family pictures. They are duly scanned and linked to the appropriate family in my family genealogy.
Then there is the Christmas email from the Honda dealership to please come in for $10 off parts or service, or great financing on a new vehicle! Cards from insurance agents this year sport new names. I HATE when the insurance company arbitrarily decides who is going to get your business when someone retires.
I love getting cards from "old" friends, new friends, distant friends and family and close friends and family. I love the handmade one my Aunt in Holland, Michigan. So pretty. And the funny ones, cute ones and serious ones. Thanks for all of them!