Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The First Robins of Spring?

Two days ago, on what was a gorgeous, sunny, if a wee bit cold (temps below freezing), DH and I saw the first robins of spring! Actually, robins winter in Tennessee and were out in force. I counted 6 of them. And they all looked really fat!

I have been enjoying almost daily visits from a pair of tufted titmice that like to sit on the back of one of the chairs on our front porch and stare into my office window. I hope they mind their manners! These little birds are very cute - crested like a cardinal but really small. I've seen them chase the jays away from the feeders. This picture is from Wikipedia.

The birdfeeder has seen the addition of a suet feeder for this cold weather.

Not that I have anything against squirrels, but I think I have cured them of eating the bird food. I found a tip about adding a little cayenne pepper to the feed, and that seems to have scared the squirrels away. Last time I filled the feeders, I just sprinkled a little on the ground. I feel like I am winning the war. When we lived in Michigan, I kept a birdfeeder count. I think the squirrels destroyed three feeders, DH dropped one and the latest one we've had for about 4 years. Yay!

Monday, January 11, 2010

People who steal site content

I got splogged today and it really irritates the you-know-what out of me. He splogged my blog on Relatively Speaking: Reaching out today.

The splogger:  I've reported him. It is a pain in the backside, but I hope it is worth it. It really makes me angry.

Relatively Speaking - My Alter-Ego's Turn

You can read my genealogy-based blog over at Gene Notes. Mondays fellow researchers/friends/cousins Carol at Reflections from the Fence and Karen from Genealogy Frame of Mind and I take it in turns on Mondays to give our viewpoints, suggestions and pearls of wisdom.