Thursday, February 25, 2010

Of Potholes & Poplars

Central Tennessee is having the coldest winter in years. Many years. Since 2010 made its entrance, we've rarely pushed above our 46 degree normal high. It's actually unbelievable how cold it has been here this year.

I've lost track of the snowfall, but its probably about twice the eight-inch average. Seriously snowy this year. The school board is scrambling to come up with plans for the kids to make up snow days, as all of them have been expended. The state is scrambling for funds for salt and brine for the roads.

And the potholes! Last year, I smugly told younger daughter, still living and working in cold and snowy Michigan, that potholes were rare here.  They are rare no longer.

The best sight last weekend though, was the emergence of buds on my tulip poplar tree.  Eventually it will flower and look like the picture. The tree we have is well over 50 feet tall and the lowest limb is probably 15-20 feet off the ground, so the only time I really get a good look at the flowers is after a heavy wind or rain, when they end up on the ground. I know, though, that when I start seeing the buds, that spring can't be too far away!

Copyright 2010, ACK, for Generational

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