Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Big Read

Thought I'd list a few books that I've read that I really loved. Won't put them in any particular order as that would cause too many brain cells to explode. Most of these are books I've read more than once and a lot of them made great movies.

1. Gone with the Wind. More than once.

2. The Great Escape. Real story of massive POW escape in German Silesia during WWII. Also read more than once. Loved the movie too.

3. Huck Finn. Tom Sawyer. I loved both of them. Read more than once.

4. Little Women. Little Men. Jo's Boys. They all made me cry. Still do.

5. Random Harvest. Also made a great movie.

6. Outlander. And I won't name the other 5 books, a work in progress for author Diana Gabaldon. Who doesn't love time travel and love stories combined. One of the things that intrigued me about this was the first book started in 1946, the year my parents got married.

7. Into the Wilderness, et al by Sarah Donati. The first book which I have listed sort of starts up 30 years later than the movie Last of the Mohicans.

8. The Secret History of the Pink Carnation. This series, by Lauren Willig, is about an American working on her doctorate in English History researching this gang of spies of the Napoleonic era. Also an ongoing series.

9. Knight Errant, et al by R. Garcia y Robertson. Another time traveler is swept back into the War of the Roses, meeting The Future King. I loved this series, didn't like the way it ended.

10. Mommie Dearest. The inspiration for teaching my kids to call me this. They didn't get it for many years. Their friends are horrified when they hear it. Then my children have to 'splain their mom wasn't THAT bad!

11. Every biography that I ever read. My love of biographies has been with me since grade school. Nun librarian told me I read too many of them.

12. A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. Also everything else he has done of a humorous nature. A little non-fiction is good for the soul. Laughter is even better.

13. Lost Horizon. Made into a movie under the name of Shangri-La. Movie just didn't do the book justice.

14. The Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All. Also made into a movie. Donald Sutherland was superb in the role of the confederate "Capt." Marsden. Diane Lane stunning as Lucy Marsden.

15. One for the Money - Fearless Fourteen. All of the Janet Evanovich "Stephanie Plum" series. How can you not love someone who has one or two cars destroyed per book. And Grandma Mazur. I wish I had a grandma like that!

16. Fuzzy Navel. The latest in the "Jack Daniels" series by J. A. Konrath. Violent yes. Entertaining. Hell yes.

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