Monday, December 22, 2008

The Gremlins Behind the Door!

Yes, yes, I know DH let the monsters out of the closet, but it looks like we also have gremlins behind the doors. You know, those beings that push an open door partly closed so that if you aren't watching where you are going - *SMACK* - face first into the door. This is particularly worrisome for me when I need to get up in the middle of the night. If I turn on a light, it is guaranteed I won't go back to sleep. Instead, I walk arms extended, waving, like a spastic blind-person, hoping to thwart the gremlins.


  1. "Instead, I walk arms extended, waving, like a spastic blind-person, hoping to thwart the gremlins."

    Pure genius.

  2. Genius that I would even try to thwart the gremlins?
