Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's Over!

For me Christmas officially ends the day I take my tree down. One year that was in February! And I enjoyed it every minute it was up. I even toyed with having a monthly theme for it.

Usually, I try to take the tree down the weekend after New Year's day. This year it didn't make it that long. New Year's day it was de-decorated, those pesky lights on the lowest level were checked out - my mistake, I missed a plug, and is boxed up and ready to go in the shed. I think this is the earliest I've ever de-Christmased.

Part of the problem is, I thought New Year's Eve was Sunday. Then I thought New Year's Day was Sunday. But today is Saturday and tomorrow is really Sunday. I'm confused. This is the one drawback of being retired, the days of the week don't really mean anything to you, unless it is Wednesday and you are going for a pulled pork sandwich (daily special at Strouds.)

 So I am almost ready to start one of the projects I've thought about over the last few months. Yay! First though will be working with DH to select his favorite pictures to be displayed on the digital frame I got him for Christmas.

Bring on those projects.

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